In 2011, Assistant Editor Patrick Howley published a piece detailing his infiltration of a Washington, D.C. protest.
Ms. Lozano then devoted her full attention to a range of "diaristic pieces," detailing everyday activities for others to enact, even though just the statement on paper is enough to make the point.
Ghosts of Onyx is a piece detailing the creation of a group of supersoldiers known as the SPARTAN-IIIs to defend humanity against the alien collective known as the Covenant.
David Halbfinger's fine Jan. 4 piece detailing the potential mechanics of a Dean collapse (if you're an electoral horse-race fan, it was irresistible; if you're a Dean fan, it was probably alarming) appeared under the words "Yes, Howard Dean Can Be Toppled and How."
Ayres wrote an op-ed piece his senior year called "Black Like Me" (named for the 1961 book of the same name), a controversial piece detailing the consequences of his checking the "African- American" box for race on his PSAT, which led to consideration for academic awards.
Much of his work belongs to a cycle of pieces detailing a future history of mankind.
An excellently reported piece detailing how the U.S. missed India's nuclear preparations appears on the NYT 's page three.
At, William Rivers Pitt has a nice piece detailing Cheney's lies.
A razo (from Occitan for "reason") was a similar short piece of Occitan prose detailing the circumstances of a particular composition.