Other pieces of pottery are thought to be from the time of the last-ditch rebellion against Spanish rule.
As many as 100,000 pieces are still thought to be missing, and some have undoubtedly been destroyed.
About 200 pieces of the 10-reales, 38 mm, 10 000 g, are thought to have survived.
The rectangular piece of cloth is thought to have come from a robe, he said.
He said the dramatic shape of a composition presented the same challenge, whether a piece was meant to be thigh slapping or thought provoking.
The piece is thought to have been composed in either 1920 or 1921, before Horowitz left Russia.
This piece was thought particularly controversial, and organizers did not want to risk government censorship for the rest of the exhibit.
His earlier pieces are thought to be generally more organic in composition and have less precise cross-hatching and detail.
The piece is thought to be English and it obviously is very old and a great curiosity.
The piece was initially thought to be an early work of Johann Sebastian Bach.