Somewhere behind him, a piece of rock snapped.
For Ramesh it was as though the pieces of a complex puzzle had suddenly snapped into place.
The last piece had snapped into place.
The pieces would snap together to make the Mojo figure complete.
"It is like building a prefabricated house in which all the pieces must snap together simultaneously or the whole thing falls apart," one diplomat said.
Another piece of information snapped into place with almost supernatural clarity.
When I was informed of her medication, the pieces suddenly snapped together in my mind.
"They are frightened," Kes said suddenly, as if some vital piece of a puzzle had just snapped into place.
He made himself believe that, stop remembering what had been... For no reason, a piece of the puzzle snapped in, unbidden.
The tower was being dismantled when a piece of steel snapped and trapped the worker for hours.