Her eyes were a soft, piercing blue, and her elegantly chiseled features supported the mischievous grin she wore.
Seated, his eyes were level with hers, a direct, piercing blue.
Her long, flowing white hair gleamed in the sun, but her face was surprisingly youthful, her eyes a startling, piercing blue.
Her eyes were piercing blue and her lips were thin, with no color in them and without a trace of smile.
They were the bluest eyes he had ever seen, a brilliant, piercing blue, the kind of blue generally reserved for a child's glass marble.
Maisy Dalton-The leading hypnosis expert quickly finds herself falling under the spell of her patient's piercing blue gaze.
His eyes were piercing blue, and quite expressive; his face was lean and hungry-looking.
The jet-black hair has grayed around the temples, the eyes, piercing blue, are now more wrinkled around the edges.
The eyes were piercing blue, the beard square-cut, the jaw beneath it firm.