But Scatha, moving through the chaos with the grace and poise of a dancer, pierced deep into the heart of the enemy line with a small force of warriors.
It pierced deep, and was instantly filled with blood; Yet Ambrosio felt no pain from the wound.
They were long and deadly, and pierced deep when the spears were thrown with force, particularly with the spear-thrower.
The rebuff pierced deep.
Arcades pierced deep into the buildings.
Rosie Duff's smile beamed out at him across the years, a needle of guilt that pierced deep.
It pierced deep, enough that he snatched back his hand.
Silence greeted her statements as their truth pierced deep into everyone's mind.
It pierces deep into the ranks of the retreating enemy, wreaking devastation and terror.
He pushed his dallta aside, and the arrow pierced deep into his right shoulder.