A piezoelectric sensor is used to monitor the motion of the thread as it is fed to the needle.
A charge amplifier is a current integrator driven by an electrical source with capacitive nature such as a piezoelectric sensor.
They embedded piezoelectric sensors deep within the flesh to detect muscle movements.
This is the reason why piezoelectric sensors are so rugged, have an extremely high natural frequency and an excellent linearity over a wide amplitude range.
One disadvantage of piezoelectric sensors is that they cannot be used for truly static measurements.
However, it is not true that piezoelectric sensors can only be used for very fast processes or at ambient conditions.
Computer controlled electronics vastly increase the range of potential applications for piezoelectric sensors.
On the other hand, the piezoelectric sensor was proven to be a much better choice over the strain gage in designing an accelerometer.
Piezoelectric systems use a series of piezoelectric sensors.
The movement of the belts is typically measured with piezoelectric sensors or respiratory inductance plethysmography.