Karyn thought her new nose looked like a pig snout.
"He said she was killed by evil hobgoblins with heads like men, only ten times as large, and mouths like pig snouts."
The people wanted to crowd close to see the Americans and at the same time the ugly pig snouts of the tommy guns warned them back.
When told of the change in plans and her new future husband, Sophia Dorothea shouted that "I will not marry the pig snout!"
And the suits are getting ready to take off their pinstripes, put on their pig snouts and party.
Some are shown with pig snouts, others are misshapen, and several are depicted as dwarves.
Once a row of stores that sold kosher foods, it is now a supplier of goat's heads, cow's feet and pig snouts.
Ashley, shivering in a pink leotard and a pig snout, was asked how much Spam she could eat at one time.
Hoker was fairer, with a pig snout for a nose and a mouth so stingy Jeremy wondered how he ate.
The pig snouts sold better than I'd imagined.