But no pigeons strutted along the edge of the roof.
Up 138 steps on the platform, a pigeon strutted in a beam of sunlight shining through a hole in the overhang.
Some pigeons strutted over to me and pecked expectantly at the ground around my feet.
Then the pigeon finds one and struts around congratulating himself, but he's still on the air.
Anna's thoughtful gaze went to the grass, where pigeons strutted, picking up fallen seeds.
The trees in the garden had tiny buds; some pigeons were strutting on the grass below.
A few pigeons circled down through the trees and strutted on the grass, cooing gently.
Over most of the square, though, pigeons strutted in search of crumbs, with scrawny cats prowling after them.
There was a glimpse of washing on the line in the backyard and two pigeons strutted along the slope of the roof bobbing their heads.
No friendly lizards basking in the plazas, or pigeons strutting across the squares.