Up the forward ladder from the hold, men prodded Niels at pike point.
They rushed at the humans in waves, springing with equal force and resolution whether they landed on pike points or tooth-clinging to noses and throats.
More men, gripping swords or axes, hunkered beneath the pike points.
Raul gasped with pain as the pike point stabbed his upper arm.
It is possible she used to return to the antechamber to eat, but I have ordered that all the people confined there are to be freed, even if it is necessary - as I think it will be - to drive most of them forth at pike point.
Eight+0ne acolytes gLuded the naked kzin at pike point, pleased to have duty away from their studies.
The humans and other non-elven rioters were driven from the city at pike point and forbidden ever to return, upon pain of death.
Forced to jerk his body to the rear to evade the pike point, he felt his boot slip on a wet substance.