Work that involved a careful study of the books piled at her feet and not daydreaming about Luke Chalmers.
She allowed the knife to fall from her cold-numbed fingertips and watched it land point-first in the snow that lay piled at her feet.
The man stripped off his armor and weapons and piled them at his feet.
Moving silently, careful not to awake his sleeping brother, Caramon piled his weapons at his feet and began giving each a cursory examination.
Lead me into a trap and I'll pile the heads of your kinsmen at your feet!
Often, there were bunches of flowers left piled at the statues' feet, as offerings.
They hauled on the line, in concert, singing, the quarter-rhythm coordinating their efforts, and gradually, the dripping line piled itself at their feet.
A huge grey mob was pressed up against the building, many hundreds of people crushed together with their belongings piled at their feet.
He could pick those sounds out, all of them, could separate them as surely as the shavings piled at his feet.
Many Orcs lay slain, piled all about him and at his feet.