The poet-in-residence keeps piling papers into his jalopy.
After piling papers into bins and straw baskets normally used to haul fish, Federal and local investigators gathered more than 20 containers of records by midafternoon.
The dress designer has also been known to pile books and papers on it.
With manic briskness he collected teapot and cups, stacked them neatly in one corner of the table, and piled papers on top of them.
Still others find coziness in building a sort of nest by piling papers, books, letters - almost anything - on their desks.
She began to pile papers back in her briefcase.
Beyond its bars, The Shadow could see Lang, piling books and papers on his desk.
Then they can pile papers on the other side of the bed for as long as they want.
Joe Cardona was piling papers upon Lettigue's safe.
Never pile papers.