The pile of chips near Ann's elbow stood in shoulder high stacks.
Even if a forest fire sweeps through, for the next hundred years this pile of stone will still stand here.
The great pile of vehicle was standing straight up on the launch pad, ready to blast off and head for space.
A pile of grey boxes stood on the floor.
For 20 years, a giant pile of dirt stood in the north end zone.
A small computer sat on a desk, and a pile of old comic books stood by the bedside.
Felix's little pile of possessions stood in one corner, under the barred window.
On the floor near the door stood a pile of brass-bound luggage ready to be taken downstairs.
The massive concrete pile stood in the center of the cellar.
In the flooded areas, piles of debris stood outside empty houses still showing last August's water line, and there was little life.