The incomparable entertainer was 47 when she died of a sleeping pill overdose on June 22, 1969.
Abraham rushes to her house, finding her lying in bed dead from a sleeping pill overdose.
She makes an attempt on her life with a pill overdose, before hearing a song she loves on the radio and missing the bus.
When Molly accidentally took the sleeping pill overdose, Tim saw his chance and asked her to meet him by the creek.
"Not even his boyfriend knew about it," she says of his pill overdose.
She died of a sleeping pill overdose on September 20, 1946, which some believe is a result of the Hope Diamond curse.
Ms. Smith, who has been in tabloid headlines hinting at pill overdoses, is a former Playboy model.
Richey died in her apartment in New York City on 7 January 1947, apparently from a pill overdose.
David said Janelle died of a sleeping pill overdose while they were traveling the world on humanitarian missions, and that he was never charged for her murder.
In 1976, during the Rollers heyday, Faulkner made headlines for an alleged parasuicide attempt via sleeping pill overdose.