These pillars hold the enemy prisoner for a thousand years, also freezing them.
Below some Roman pillars holding a fantastic Grafitty logo, a 'Globe-scroller' appears (after some calculations).
The three stylised figures with the arrow pointing upwards can also be viewed as a simple dwelling with a sloping roof (the arms) and with pillars holding it up (the bodies of the three people).
Each pillar, some of the kin whispered, held an unfortunate Malaugrym, entombed alive as part of the cruel magics Malaug employed.
The seven pillars hold these walls give space for what we've sought.
Each pillar held performers forming "human vases".
The pillars hold a roofing which is shaped as a flower.
Between the giant pillars holding a roof topped with statues, a rather plain young woman with brown hair and eyes to match waited.
Outside 22 pillars hold the roof free above the open room.
His forearms were drawn together behind her shoulders and bound fast; knee was lashed to knee and ankle to ankle, until they stood like a pillar of marble, held upright by guards as pale as they.