In one corner a niche was created and on the other side three pillars mark the passage to a side room.
Pilgrims are advised to walk the circuit, though two green pillars mark a short section of the path where they are allowed to run.
Each pillar marks the location of one of these refusals.
Another pillar of smoke marked its end, but the half-deafened Blade never heard the explosion.
Sanjan, in the extreme south of the state, is the small port where the Parsis first landed; a pillar marks the spot.
A pillar now marks the spot of Asoka's visit to Lumbiní.
These pillars mark the spots where Hindu widows are said to have committed sati.
Four pillars mark the four wings, one floor and central hall of the palace.
A greasy pillar of thick black smoke marked the pilot's pyre.
The pillar marks the opening of the Tay road bridge in 1966.