His father is a pilot, based in Minneapolis, for Northwest Airlines.
The pilots, based in Newport, travel by small boat to meet incoming ships at a pilot station several miles outside the mouth of the bay.
Clerks - a live-action pilot for a TV show, based on the film Clerks.
Commander Speicher, a pilot based on the aircraft carrier Saratoga, disappeared on the first night of the war when his F-18 went down over Iraq.
Sarah Fraher, pilot based out of Kotzebue.
Ben Pedersen, pilot based out of Unalakleet.
John Ponts, pilot based out of Barrow.
Doug Stewart, pilot based out of Nome.
"The primary issue is the outsourcing of jobs," said David U. Johnson, an American pilot based in Dallas.
She pilots a futuristic, jet-boosted medevac helicopter, one not based on any real-world design, called Nightingale.