He waited until the pilots and three soldiers had boarded each craft, then grabbed a helmet and a rifle for himself and climbed into the nearest modified Hind.
The pilots boarded the aircraft.
Both times, the pilot had not yet boarded the spacecraft.
At 1 A.M. the pilot of the port of Le Havre boarded.
The pilots boarded the aircraft after shaking hands with the ground crews - that part seemed to their covert observers just as routine as any aircraft departure.
The pilot of Dionysus boarded the Enterprise.
The Commander will remember that a Merseian pilot and engineer boarded his Lordship's vessel for the last sublight leg of the journey here.
The pilots boarded and started working through their checklists.
Instead of using the "lid" (where the two pilots still boarded via the hinged Plexiglass canopy), two side doors were added from which troops would enter and depart.
On 20 May, therefore, Alon and fellow pilots boarded a Douglas C-54B for the return flight to Israel.