The pilot had four seconds to eject, reacted too late, and was killed.
The pilot reacted slowly to the new development and did not think to turn his craft until it was too late to do any good.
The pilots reacted with surprise to the telepathic contact.
I often wonder whether these pilots would react safely and effectively if they suddenly got their aircraft into a stalling situation.
Investigators in the Charlotte accident have questioned whether the pilots reacted properly to wind shear.
This time the pilot reacted in a different manner.
Their situation did not speak well for their intelligence, but the pilot reacted to instinct rather than hesitating to reason.
Jack Grimaldi saw the Cuban come aboard, and the pilot reacted instantly.
But that ship was effectively lost from the moment the pilot reacted to his crew's apprehension.
As a result, pilots react in a way that actually exacerbates the problem, rather than corrects it.