Pacífico, a Mexican pilsner beer originally brewed in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, is named after the Pacific Ocean.
GreenFest borrows its name and image from the popular Tuborg Green beer, a pilsner beer popular with the youth for its long association with music.
I began to fish at the northeast corner of Perfect Bay, in three feet of water on a sand flat the color of a light pilsner beer.
The brewery of Havlíčkův Brod produces light, bottom-fermented pilsner beers and dark, bottom-fermented beers.
Würzburger brewery is also a popular pilsner beer worldwide.
Soon dozens of imitators sprang up throughout the world, and thus the family of pilsner beers was born.
October 5 - Josef Groll brews the first pilsner beer in the city of Pilsen, Bohemia (now the the Czech Republic).
Pacífico, a Mexican pilsner beer originally brewed in Mazatlán, Sinaloa.
Pilsner Urquell was the first pilsner beer in the world.
Pilsner Urquell is more strongly hopped than most pilsner beers.