His narrow nose gave him a pinched expression, but his clear eyes showed keen intellect.
Judging by her pinched expression, that was one matter on which she and Lady Claridge were in complete agreement.
"Thank you," the girl said, looking up at him with a pinched expression.
It was a benevolent face, but there was a hardness around the lips, a pinched expression about the nose.
At his side was a somewhat aggressive middle-aged man, rather thin, with a serious and pinched expression.
In the seat on the other side of Maya, Michel sat with a pinched expression on his face.
When he scowled, the line of the wide mouth became bitter and the set of the lustrous eyes altered, with a mean pinched expression.
Their hosts were descending the stairs behind them, while Wayne preceded them, turning her head left and right with a pinched expression.
Wearing a pinched expression, she grunted, "I walked into that bench over there.
Maggie closed the door and leaned against it, watching me with a pinched expression.