When he broke into a smile a kind of radiance flooded his pinched features.
The man in the suit, his pinched features squeezed even further by the effort of scrutinising the deplaning passengers, looked at Bolan again.
A look of positive geniality illuminated Mr. Peters' pinched features.
And she turned the limp figure, and they saw a thin young boy, perhaps somewhat older than the girl, same dark pinched features.
A broad, pleased smile appeared on his pinched features; his face seemed to swell, to fill with warmth.
The door opened and Cristina relaxed, sudden relief washing over her pinched features as Leah entered the room.
They say it's because he looks like a rat, with his rheumy eyes and his pinched features, but he doesn't think so.
Mr Norrell sighed and looked as noble as his small, pinched features would allow.
His small, pinched features gathered into a perfunctory smile.
He was a young man with flat, pinched features.