He held them out to her in his two cupped hands, crushed pink blobs, and attempted a smile.
We counted the small, pink blobs with their ludicrously long tails.
For the first time I saw not a vague pink blob but an exquisite, fragile, jewel-like object.
The lights go out and a pink blob pokes an appendage through the net in which it is hanging.
From his rear turret Flash watched the target burning: a scattering of pink blobs.
He was a large pink 'blob' covered with yellow spots.
He's a quite accomplished ninja, even though he's just a pink blob.
They are attacked by pink blobs with metal on their backs.
They follow it, and they find two huge spider droids, made completely from the pink blobs.
The deadly pink blob filled the screen, and suddenly the ship was rocked hard.