Shortly after, Spears took the stage again wearing a hot pink bra, a white fur coat and a jean skirt to perform the song.
She had amused scores of reporters around town by announcing the luncheon with intimate wear - a pink padded bra - enclosed.
She had wriggled out of her velvety dress and, after the song was done, asked an assistant for a T-shirt to cover her pink bra.
Soon she was down to her pink bra and G-string - the fake diamonds swinging and flashing as she danced.
She took a hold of her pink bra and ripped it off and a guy three rows down lit a cigarette.
She donned the pink panties, then the pink bra, feeling wicked.
Donut works in a lingerie shop, and is involved with a much older married man, Henry, who buys her a pink bra as his first gift.
Then she lifted her dress the rest of the way off, over her head, leaving only pink bra and panties.
It then shoots to Minogue singing in a pink bra with white shorts with pigtails, singing to the song.
The image published on the ministry's Facebook page showed female protesters holding up posters of blue and pink bras.