It was too much for Eddie to hope that Marion would ever have any need of that pink cashmere cardigan there.
She was alone in the audience, and she was wearing the pink cashmere cardigan.
At first he thought it wasMarionon the bed, but it was only her pink cashmere cardigan.
Counselors had also given her new blue jeans and a pink cardigan.
She wore jeans, a collarless blouse, and a dark pink cardigan.
Mind you, not just any pink cardigan but a really beautiful one from Club Monaco.
Muttered that at least he wasn't wearing a pink cardigan.
'At least I'm not wearing a pink cardigan,' she replied.
This seemed to reassure him, until his gaze moved to my pink cardigan and the anxious look was back.
Frances noticed her mother's summer dress, all white with a pattern of roses, and her light pink cardigan.