A new record turnout of 4,000 people gathered at the speakers' corner to form a giant pink dot.
But Phrixus and Helle were pink dots sinking in the west.
Crouwel made these visible by using a regular pattern of pink dots on an orange background.
Two smaller ones, one green, one the same red as the others but mottled with pink dots.
Kelda watched it go until the two red taillights merged into a solitary pink dot.
The pink dot to push, of course, lacked a depressible button.
The ruffled curtains were white with pink dots.
After a good minute's stare, I began to think the pink dots were blossoms and nothing of the walls was visible after all.
Quinn watched her walk away until she was just a tiny pink dot entering a clothing store at the other end of the mall.
After handling hedgehogs, some have claimed that pink dots on their hands is an allergic reaction.