She had a big pink peony at her waist and another at her shoulder.
Farther up the block were the most exquisite-smelling, stunning-looking bright pink peonies I have seen.
I wore my new cream organdy with the violets in it and carried a big bouquet of pink peonies.
The sheets were bright yellow, and a bouquet of blown pink peonies leaned from the night table.
She started walking again, a solitary figure, like a huge pink peony dropped on the sepia ground.
Her face had a kind of heavy, thoughtless beauty, like a pink peony just at the point of beginning to fade.
Mrs Cake took an orange vase with pink peonies on it from her daughter's paws.
Marty Zellerbach's private room was airy and comfortable, with a vase of fresh pink peonies on a low table before the window.
A single pink peony graced an old green bottle in the center, and music drifted from his radio to lull the sounds of traffic.
The camera turned from the bathroom and continued up the hallway, past a framed watercolor of pink peonies hanging on the wall.