The Mauritius kestrel, Mauritius parakeet and pink pigeon all came close to extinction but are now increasing thanks to intensive conservation efforts.
There was a sudden rustle of wings and a pink pigeon flew into the tree 20 feet above us.
While it may be easy to identify the male gorilla Ya Kwanza within his family, identifying individual pink pigeons or poison arrow frogs is more difficult.
Don't you know about the pink pigeon?
About five years ago,' he said, 'we took twenty of the pink pigeons that we had bred at the centre and released them into the wild.
However, the population of truly wild pink pigeons has dropped to fewer than ten.
Walking around the aviary, Lee's favourite place, we come across the pink pigeon, a classic Durrell success story.
The pink pigeon is now officially no longer critically endangered (nor is the kestrel, once the world's most endangered bird).
We didn't want to leave the beach, but we were curious to meet the giant tortoises and pink pigeons at The Casela Bird Park.
Gerald Durrell began the rescue of Mauritian pink pigeons when they were down to 20 pairs.