Restless, he moved away, stopped to toy with a pale pink rosebud.
Dude goes by the name of Dante, heavy on the poetry and pink rosebuds.
The rims were gold and royal blue, the side decorated with four small pink rosebuds.
Okay, so she gets the pills, buys herself a pink rosebud.
The walls were still papered with those tiny pink rosebuds that had grown there for so many years.
There was a small pink rosebud in his lapel.
For her mom, a teapot from Ireland, decorated with tiny pink rosebuds.
Her left nipple showed like a tiny pink rosebud.
Jonas sent me some dear pink rosebuds for the evening - but - he isn't coming himself.
A cluster of delicate pink rosebuds in a silver holder had arrived just as she was leaving her hotel.