For example, in his stores whole pink snapper from New Zealand is $5.99 a pound, the same price as local porgies.
The pink snapper (opakapaka) has a higher fat, and is steamed or baked, served with a light sauce.
AT 9:30 one recent chilly morning, Laurent Tourondel went to see a man about a pink snapper.
"The pink snapper you can get anytime," Mr. Rozzo said.
I couldn't resist the most outlandish-sounding dish on the menu, created with another local fish called opakapaka, or pink snapper.
There's no question about pink snapper with an opulent cauliflower purée and white truffle oil sauce.
Western Australia: "pink snapper" to distinguish it from other unrelated species.
It was a fat pink snapper.
A second, smaller fishery of bottom fish like pink snapper and Hawaiian grouper was also being depleted, he said.
The popular pink snapper fell by 84 percent in 10 years, with other snappers also showing declines in population and size.