While he still had one shoe to tie, she wore a pair of neat pink sneakers tied with tidy bows.
Fiona hadn't said much since Rachel's congratulations, but she followed along behind him, her silly pink sneakers soundless on the pavement.
Zillah was wearing pink sneakers, Ghost saw.
She was wearing a pink jogging suit with a printed picture of Bruce Springsteen on the front, and pink sneakers.
Sarah directs the investigation to a fire road deeper in the forest, where Rosie's pink sneaker is later discovered.
The pink sneaker, in shocking contrast to the bloody crime scene.
One first-nighter showed up in a bright blue jogging suit, another in pink sneakers and a peace-symbol T-shirt.
She wiggled her pink sneakers for Devin's benefit.
Grace is a very fast runner and wears pink high-top sneakers.
She can often be seen in a blue sweat suit and pink sneakers.