She seemed to be overflowing out of her lowcut, turquoise leotard and hot pink tights.
She also wears pink tights with white spots.
Some of the young women came straight from class, flushed with exertion and dressed in their regulation pink tights and black leotards.
About twenty minutes later a woman with platinum hair and pink tights pulled up in a silver Mercedes and strolled into the house.
She was in pale pink tights and a pale green leotard.
She is dressed in pink tights.
Beneath them she wore pale pink tights.
They were dressed in ill-fitting pink tights with green satin trunks.
Hopes ran high as they limbered up in black leotards and pink tights.
Dressed in pink patterned tights or pants, the dancers appeared first at opposite corners, twisted like pretzels on the ground.