Other town developers include Aaron Hart a pioneer developer through the area who drained marshy land by a ditch called Hart Ditch.
Louis Rose (March 24, 1807 - February 14, 1888) was a pioneer developer of San Diego, California.
Nor has St. Petersburg (named by a pioneer developer for his Russian hometown) lost all its old Midwestern blandness in the rush to tomorrow.
C.C. Harmon was a pioneer developer of water-flooding technology in the oil industry.
The city is built upon 42 hills, and its pioneer developers found grading the streets the main obstacle in turning it from a tent town into a city of timbered housing.
While Parc Place was the pioneer developer of object-oriented programming, it has remained in obscurity as the technology has become an industry buzz phrase.
In 1922, Plew relocated to the Panhandle of Northwest Florida where he became "one of Northwest Florida's pioneer developers."
Herbert Holt became a pioneer developer of the energy business in the Province of Quebec and owned the Montreal Gas Company.
The pioneer developer of the elevating scraper was Hancock Manufacturing Company of Lubbock, Texas USA.
A native of Syracuse, Italy, he was a pioneer developer of free-diving in the 1960s and 1970s.