Our pioneer macho society has always looked askance at men who appeared too-too.
His army terrorizes this feudal pioneer society, extorting tribute and forcibly recruiting soldiers.
Cormac Casement came of a rare species in the country's pioneer society, the rich Irish.
The pioneer agricultural society at Manti lived within the town's limits and traveled afoot, by wagon, or on horseback to their outlying farmlands.
It's not a pioneer society any more.
Cornwall was a member of many agricultural and pioneer societies, including the Dominion Council of Agriculture.
Those unwilling, or unable, to take responsibilit for themselves in a pioneer society posed the wors problem.
However, the plan turned out to be far too idealistic for a pioneer society, as tax money was not accessible for its organization.
Do we want to bring them up in a pioneer society with an alien sun in the sky, or on nice, safe, familiar Mars?
The author "artfully lays bare the sins and promises of a pioneer society," James Polk said in these pages in 1997.