His pioneering ideas were catalysts for developments that brought a new splendor to Chicago's city skyline.
She is proudest of her pioneering idea that brides don't have to look like cream puffs.
Few educators outside the school showed any enthusiasm for adopting Reddie's pioneering ideas.
Influential contributor to the theory of anthropology teaching when he saw himself as a follower of Montagu's pioneering ideas about race.
Ferreira was able to think laterally, and he came up with many pioneering ideas, able to solve problems.
It was a pioneering idea in building housing for Native Americans visiting the Indian agency on the island.
One move he made for the league was signing a five-year $10.6 million television contract with ABC in 1960 that included his pioneering idea.
Many of our fresh and pioneering ideas were voted out by other political groups.
His pioneering ideas on investing in health to break the poverty trap have been widely applied throughout the continent.
The award is given for work that best reflects the pioneering ideas and scholarly standards of Keith Muckelroy.