Clearly, however, their pioneering venture in electronic books is not permitted to distract the company from their core business of selling print on paper.
Asta Narayan's pioneering venture resulted in Kamalachhi being turned into a street of local bike shops.
"The Caravan was a pioneering venture in the early days of downtown's revitalization," Mr. Bass said.
For this innovative cultural channel, Boult was concerned in pioneering ventures including the British premiere of Mahler's Third Symphony.
This was a pioneering venture ahead of the arrival of daily ro-ro ferry services linking the UK with the Continent.
The original Oregon Trail program was a pioneering venture in educational software created 25 years ago.
Now the dotcom billionaire has embarked on another pioneering venture - to bring low-cost space travel into public reach.
Strawberry Hill, Horace Walpole's pioneering venture in Gothic Revival near London.
Mr. Leventhal viewed the Mozart bicentennial extravaganza as a pioneering venture in uniting the center's disparate institutions; he wants to explore similar projects.
It was a pioneering venture in a place and at a time that was remote and depressed.