It got more so when Republicans gave the pious sentiment a nationalist edge.
It was a musical quavering-cry, that sounded like "Good Lord, deliver us', this pious sentiment gave the bird its popular name, the Litany bird.
The more you hate, the more it poisons y-was "Oh, yes," she broke in, "I've heard that pious little sentiment before.
A Jewish Statute of 1835 which reiterated the pious sentiments of Alexander I's statute of 1804 proved to be more impressive on paper than in reality.
The thought of herself, expressing this pious sentiment, brought the tears coursing down her cheeks.
The risk seemed to be out of proportion to the reward, when it came to adding to his accumulations; and then she smiled at her own pious sentiments.
'You might say,' Argus added with an attempt at formal enunciation and pious sentiment which his missing teeth doomed to failure, 'he comes from a good family.'
She had stood while the toasts were drunk, but she had not given lip service to their pious sentiments for happiness in her new life-happiness!
The Office composed by Struzzieri is rich and full of pious sentiment; the hymns, however, are rather modern.
I very much hope that pious sentiments will be backed up by actions!