A pious statement that the priest nodded at, but which Kiron himself was not entirely sure he believed.
So you don't make pious statements about how stupid and cynical everyone else is.
Given both these features, written policies are still likely to remain pious statements of intent unless supported by financial mechanisms.
When peace is restored, the teen-agers teleport back to high school, where they make pious statements about the importance of teamwork or environmental preservation.
If Andersen does go under, there will be pious statements that the system worked and that a bad actor is gone.
He did not make pious statements about an inability to identify the killers.
The owners are issuing pious statements that they will cut ticket prices for these threatened scab games.
This is the time for a profile in courage from Mr. Clinton: not just a pious statement, but some responsible arm-twisting.
President James Patterson of Jamaica publicly asked that it not be dismissed as "another pious statement of intent."
We have succeeded in translating those pious statements and good intentions into texts, obligations and responsibilities.