This man nodded to the other two, and soon the hall was filled with the fierce drone of pipe music.
The pipe music rose to a fervent pitch and then abruptly ceased.
The book is divided into the two sections; the first song lyrics, the second pipe music where only a handful have lyrics.
The pipe music was cheerful and challenging.
As a child, Fionna earned a meager supplement to their family assistance grant by playing pipe music outside the pubs and stores.
Although the pictures were silent, a pain went through his ears as he imagined the crazy pipe music that must have been playing.
Arrive early and listen to a half hour of madrigals and pipe music before the play.
The Gaelic word pìobaireachd simply means "pipe music", but it has been adapted into English as piobaireachd or pibroch.
A snatch of pipe music came from the beach, broken by the breeze that carried it.
If his solemn response reassured the Sea Man, it reinforced Elgion's determination to find out who had made that pipe music.