Instead, the water is piped to the filtration plant directly from Warragamba Dam.
The wood gas is then piped directly into the generator engine.
Compared to the day outside, the air in the restaurant seemed to have been piped directly from the arctic.
However, because of its 2-minute half-life, O-15 must be piped directly from a medical cyclotron for such uses, which is difficult.
In the default operating mode the output is piped directly to the driver without producing any user-visible intermediate files.
Bloomberg's programming will be piped directly to the brokers' computers, about 30,000 screens worldwide.
Sewage is piped directly to an underground sewage main on the property.
The fiber has been piped directly into 150,000 homes and businesses in Milan and a few other Italian cities.
Second, because the audio is piped directly into your ear sockets, it has much higher fidelity and presence than most people's TV sets.
As before, the incoming signal was piped directly into the computer's memory banks.