It's probably not something to worry about unless you have medical conditions or a reason to be suspicious, like a really old piping system.
The piping system was fully camouflaged with fill of ore material.
The sea chest provides an intake reservoir from which piping systems draw raw water.
There are certain standard codes that need to be followed while designing or manufacturing any piping system.
Tweety then goes through the piping system, with Sylvester going to the other end to catch him.
One of the main features at the theatre is its water basin and the elaborate Roman piping system used in it.
It is usually added to large piping systems to prevent oxidative corrosion.
Kenya's government does not have the funds to maintain strong piping systems.
Pressure created by pumps or gravity is used to move fluids through the piping system.
Other than catchbasins, typically there are no treatment facilities in the piping system.