Old salts say it was once a pirate haven, back when Austra was but lands warring with each other.
Every and his crew fled to the Bahamas, briefly sheltering in New Providence, a known pirate haven.
The idea of a pirate haven on Saint Mary's had became a household idea.
The area was a dangerous pirate haven however and Sylph was captured and her crew massacred before Corbet returned.
And then they loaded you onto a ship and took you off to Slaith, a secret pirate haven in the Auddglyn.
It's a pirate haven, and Ygwimyr's known of it for years and done naught about it.
However, remote Ocracoke Island was not permanently settled until 1750, being a pirate haven at times before then.
The island was infamous for being a pirate haven.
The Baleares were at the time perceived by Christians to be nothing more than a pirate haven and slaving center.
There was no likelihood that Nataniel Arruns planned to turn Dunbar's World into a pirate haven.