Old salts say it was once a pirate haven, back when Austra was but lands warring with each other.
The idea of a pirate haven on Saint Mary's had became a household idea.
To accomplish this, several expeditions were carried out against the pirate havens starting in 1843.
It's a pirate haven, and Ygwimyr's known of it for years and done naught about it.
However, remote Ocracoke Island was not permanently settled until 1750, being a pirate haven at times before then.
The island was infamous for being a pirate haven.
The Baleares were at the time perceived by Christians to be nothing more than a pirate haven and slaving center.
Instead, Rogues can build robber's nests, smuggling holes, and pirate havens.
During the sailing segment, the player navigates between areas of interest in the Caribbean, including colonies, cities, missions, pirate havens, and others.
The port of Nassau became one of the last pirate havens.