That night, the pirates raid the Stanley estate, and the Pirate King orders their execution.
At the same time, the pirates also raid those very trades for personal profit.
Even though pirates raided many ships, few, if any, buried their treasure.
Thieves and pirates would raid the boats carrying these products, kill the longboat men, and then sell the goods.
Then the pirates could raid the coast of the Empire as they had never done before.
The pirates have seldom raided the coasts of Saram with much effect.
Then the pirates under Jack raided the Spanish and killed all of them-except the lady.
The pirates raided anything on the sea, living totally lawless - and often not very lengthy - lives.
While Byzantine land was being divided, there was no one in control of the seas, so pirates raided towns on many of the islands.
The pirates then raided Spanish settlements in Peru before returning to the Caribbean.