Almost the moment the pistol cocked back in the alley, a voice spoke from the same place.
The pistol automatically cocks the hammer after a round is fired.
The whisper of leather on stone saw him swivel, his hand sweeping up and pistol cocked.
A man loomed up before him, pistol cocked to fire.
With the pistol cocked and his finger taut on the trigger, Tommy approached the first of the two windows.
While he was waiting, pistol cocked, to see if the Indians would try to rush them, he heard thunder.
A pistol cocked across the street.
He crawled away, scanning the skies, pistol cocked upward.
Once inside, his own pistol cocked and ready, he pulled the door closed.
Terror that they were creeping on him from behind brought him to his feet, pistols cocked, staring this way and that.