A discursive conversation with a number of topics, "Bunraku" introduced sliding, insinuating pitch relationships and blunt percussive strokes to a European instrument not really intended to receive them.
When chord changes happen too quickly and inner complexity becomes dense, the wide reverberance of four marimbas in concert obscures pitch relationships.
A few publishers, however, especially of modern music, provide conductors with scores written entirely in concert pitch, making the pitch relationships of the entire score easier for the conductor to see.
The first miscue came from Georgia Tech when they fumbled a pitch when Roddy Jones slipped while in motion and lost pitch relationship.
Birds, too, compose songs with the same notes, rhythmic variations, harmonic patterns and pitch relationships as those found in human compositions.
As a result "musicological methods tend to foreground those musical parameters which can be easily notated" such as pitch relationships or the relationship between words and music.
The well-tempered method favored by Bach dirtied pitch relationships to allow the easy hopping from key to key, a horizontal freedom that became fundamental to, for example, Wagner's music.
How also is one to translate Chinese poetry, with its rising and falling vowels, into the steadfastness of European pitch relationships?
The combination of gross expressive gestures for the layman and arcane pitch relationships for the math professors is a perpetual contradiction.
It is equally strange to the ears of modern performers, who have to master a whole "new" world of pitch relationships.