For the second day in a row, the Yankees played a crisp, clean game and rode strong starting pitching to a victory.
Sid Fernandez, who has lost only twice in three months, pitched the Mets to an 9-3 victory with late help from the bullpen.
He did precisely that, never letting the gasping Indians breathe and pitching the Yankees to a 7-1 victory.
Pitching the Cubs to a 3-0 victory, he faced only 28 batters, one more than the minimum.
With seven and two-third innings of numbing precision, Reed pitched the Mets to a 6-1 victory.
Last Sunday, they were almost the victims of a no-hitter by Ryan, who pitched the Texas Rangers to a 7-0 victory.
He soon took his revenge by pitching his new team to a victory over Springfield.
He pitched the Mets to a 7-0 victory over the Dodgers, who have lost six games in a row.
Their father died the morning of the day they teamed to pitch the Cards to a 4-3 victory in Game 2.
Game 8 was played the following day and Slim Jones pitched the Stars to a 2-0 victory and the championship.