Why is he in such a pitiful condition?
Bodhi crawled inside, where he found the snake in pitiful condition.
Despite our best efforts, they were beginning to die, and half of those still alive were in a pitiful condition.
He held out a hand for Helen, and she sat down next to him on the bed, barely stifling a cry over his pitiful condition.
She pleaded with the Prophet, to take notice of the pitiful and desperate condition in which she found herself.
When asked about the patient's health, she would dolorously shake her head, and declare that the poor gentleman was in a pitiful condition.
Upon his return to the office he occupied with the other aides he found General Scott in pitiful condition.
It was hard to judge his age when he was in such a pitiful condition, but Will guessed him to be less than thirty.
The country is in pitiful economic condition, with both its people and factories starving.
Some lived for several days in this pitiful condition, their feet gnawed by dogs, until they died in agony.