She tried the pitiful expression that always worked on Claire, but this time she wasn't falling for it.
Look at 'em, they got on their pitiful expressions.
Then, with a pitiful expression of resignation, he gathered up the loose boxes as though to nest them once again.
Sidney looked up from his papers, shook his head, adopted a pitiful expression and sighed dramatically.
A cunning, flashy smile had replaced the pitiful expression on the big shot's lips.
The old man's thin lips were twisted into a pitiful and miserable expression that sent a chill over the Mouser.
He was about to prod her when she looked up at him with a pitiful expression of defiance.
As if in confirmation the little dog raised a fore leg and held it up with pitiful expression.
Indeed, Thayner had a pitiful expression, seemingly his last play for sympathy, as he cowered.
His pale features had a pitiful expression.