His broken and mangled body was entirely naked, and as he lay there gasping feebly for breath, he was a pitiful spectacle.
It was a pitiful spectacle.
The others are mourning them, with the tearful Gonzalo forming an especially pitiful spectacle.
Lying in a pool of blood and crying for help, she was a pitiful spectacle; her left leg had been torn away by a shell and she was eight months pregnant.
What a pitiful spectacle was disclosed then!
The touch that makes this little spectacle pitiful and comic is the cartoon lines signifying the howl coming out of the mouth.
It has become as essential to me as life itself that I animate the pitiful spectacle of sickness and pain with a meaning that transcends mere mortality.
Yossarian's heart pounded with fright and horror at the pitiful, ominous, gory spectacle of the broken corpse.
What a pitiful spectacle this Jayed was!
The governments of the Member States each acted on their own behalf, offering a pitiful spectacle to the world and the people that we should be helping.