Another good game would be a pivotal step for Maynard and the Giants, whose ball-control system of offense requires a reliable punter.
He said it was the pivotal step in a years-long effort to obtain Federal protection for the canyon, 250 miles southwest of Denver.
The Marian reforms to the legions, recruiting among un-propertied urban citizens, was a pivotal step leading in short order to the collapse of the Republic.
Students don't always put their best foot forward at interviews, a pivotal step in the admissions process.
Approval of the station by the Connecticut Department of Transportation was a pivotal step in getting the project moving.
In the Yale archeologists' reconstruction, this pivotal step may have happened as a matter of convenience, whether consciously or otherwise.
The pivotal step in the synthesis was a Ru-catalyzed diastereoselective cycloisomerization.
The eleven minute version, regarded as a pivotal step in the development of British folk-rock, was recorded in one take.
In a statement, he called the appointment "a pivotal first step toward transforming Nortel Networks into a marketing-led organization."
The actions appeared to represent a pivotal step for the Soviet leader's efforts to stimulate the stagnant economy and to bolster his political power.